Continue reading: 3 Big Mindsets To Winning The Long Game In Dating
There was a time when I loved digesting every little thing about dating. It was all so addictive. When you first discover you CAN actively get better with women and grow your confidence, it feels like uncovering ancient texts to find the holy grail.
You become obsessed thinking that if you just find the right text, the right question, or the right way to ask a girl out — you, too, can become a Casanova. You’re convinced that all you need is a few small tweaks, tips, and tricks, and women will fall at your feet.
Continue reading: 7 Harsh Truths You Must Accept To Succeed In Dating
Have you ever wondered why most people don’t reach the success they want?
Whether it be in dating, career, finances, etc.
…They end up settling, and rationalizing why it’s okay.
Very few people truly hit their stride, achieve, and maintain high levels of success in dating and other areas. -
Continue reading: 3 Times I Realized Being A Pickup Artist Was Really Weird
Confession: I used to be a professional pickup artist. Yes, I read women’s palms and rehearsed ridiculous lines that other men claimed were the secret to getting laid. I even used a “cool” pseudonym, Niko. But, that was a lifetime ago. I’ve spent the past twelve years teaching men to honestly know themselves and communicate […]
Continue reading: 20 Guaranteed Ways To Drive Women Absolutely Wild…Literally
Yuck. I want to throw up. Why would I write this garbage? Articles about “How to Drive Women Wild” are some of the most clichéd and overdone ideas. Everybody has one. And that’s exactly why I wanted to write this. I wanted to do it justice. Because I got to be honest, I think most […]
Continue reading: How To Have Amazing Sex With Her From The Start
You’ve got a date coming up. You’re anxious about taking things to the next level and having sex with her for the first time. Well, let’s get it out in the open… The first time you have sex with a new woman is always going to suck. But it will suck relatively. It will suck […]
Continue reading: How To Repair Your Relationship With Your Parents After A Rough Childhood
Around 2006, I was an emotional wreck. My family was going through deep financial hardship. I felt like we had lost everything. My father lost his business, I lost my chance at a college education, and every month we were on the brink of losing a place to sleep. I was angry…really angry. It wasn’t […]
Continue reading: We Proved That Anyone Can Be Social At My San Diego Retreat
Back in February, before we were all socially distant, we helped six men get socially close to new people in San Diego, California with our exclusive retreat. Except for our first retreat in Majorca, Spain, we’ve always stayed in the heart of a city. This time Julian recommended we go back to our roots. We […]
Continue reading: The Upside Of Almost Having A Stroke During A Pandemic
“I think I’m having a stroke.” I stammered to my wife, struggling to get the words out. We were watching TV when suddenly the vision in my right eye had zig zags running through it. As I gazed around, the room shifted and shimmered like a kaleidoscope. I thought maybe something was wrong with my […]
Continue reading: Why Is Eye Contact Important Anyway?
“You’ve to look people in the eyes.” “Always hold eye contact when you introduce yourself.” “Eye contact is the key to a good first impression.” By the time I was 21, I had heard everything self-improvement advice had to say about the importance of eye contact. And even though it was repeated over and over, […]
Continue reading: How To Spark A Connection When There Isn’t One
I’ve heard it time and time again… “We’ve gone on a couple of dates but I still don’t feel any chemistry. We’re just missing that spark, you know?” The spark. The spark. Oh that elusive spark. You can’t put your finger on it…but you KNOW when it’s there and you definitely know when it’s not. […]